...pour une forêt vivante et habitée

Accueil > Agenda > "Forest visit" à Piegut-Pluviers (24)

"Forest visit" à Piegut-Pluviers (24)

The committee of the forest group Lu picatau invites you to join us for a forest walk with an English-speaking animator on Saturday 11th September 2021 from 9h30 am to 14h00 pm.

An opportunity to explore your local forest, to learn about the conservation actions of the forest group Lu Picatau and to join this forest’s community.

The walk will take place in forest now owned by the forest group Lu Picatau. Open to all, this special outing will take place primarily in English to encourage the local English speaking population to join us in the protection of this woodland.

For registration : please, fill in the form

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